The CSEG Symposium is Tuesday April 5th at the Hudson Lofts. The committee is planning a Hybrid event with virtual and in-person options.
Click here: early bird registration rates and to check out the line up of Speakers.
2021 Keynote Luncheon Speaker
Imad Mohsen
President and CEO at Parex Resources

Mr. Mohsen is an engineering graduate of the Paris School of Mines (ENSMP). He joined Royal Dutch Shell in 1997 and rose through technical assignments of increasing responsibility and an assignment as Sustainable Development Advisor before being appointed Private Advisor to the CEO in 2005. Following that assignment, in 2007 he moved to New Orleans, Louisiana as Development Manager, Subsea GOM from 2007 to 2011 and then to Cairo, Egypt as General Manager, Operations for Shell Egypt JV (Bapetco) from 2011 to 2013
In 2013, Mr. Mohsen joined Tulip Oil Holding B.V., a private equity backed upstream company founded in 2010 to explore for and develop oil and gas opportunities in Western Europe. After initially serving as COO, he was appointed CEO in 2015. Under his leadership Tulip had success with near field, short cycle time exploration and development of gas in the challenging environment of the Dutch North Sea. This included a significant exploratory discovery developed by installation of an innovative, low cost, remotely operated, unmanned production platform powered solely by renewable energy. Tulip is now the 4th largest producer in the Netherlands offshore. In Germany, Imad oversaw a successful exploration program in the Rhine Graben area in a challenging regulatory regime with complex environmental and social issues.