Third Party Appraisal of Seismic Data

How does your company put a value on their seismic data? Have you ever had a third party complete a valuation? A significant amount of financial rigor goes into valuations via processes to strengthen the confidence of maintaining both book and company value. More and more, the value of data is very significant, yet often neglected.

Many energy companies have third party valuations of their seismic databases to help preserve company value on an annual basis. Is your company missing out?

Using a method that is recognized as the standard methodology for valuations is important. When dealing with propriety data, the monetary value of seismic data is a combination of revenue that could be generated by licensing copies of the seismic to third parties, and the inherent value in the seismic because of its utility as an exploration tool.

Geophysical data valuations are essential in preparation for potential asset divestitures. Today’s marketplace is tumultuous to say the least. Seismic data value is often overlooked, with no book value placed on it. This is an opportunity for geoscientists to highlight the worth of geophysical data through a third party valuation.
