Sigma Explorations Inc. is pleased to announce changes to its Executive Team.
As of May 1, 2012, Trent Olson has been appointed Vice President of Seismic Data Marketing and John Slater, CA has been appointed Vice President, Finance.
They join Oliver Kuhn, P Geoph., Vice President of Apoterra Seismic Processing Ltd. and Anne Hargreaves P. Geol., Vice President Canadian Stratigraphic Services (2000) Ltd on the Executive Team along with Cecil Keeping, P. Geoph. President and CEO of the Sigma group of companies.
Mr. Olson will continue his practice as a seismic data broker which he has successfully pursued since 2000. Mr. Slater joined Sigma as Controller in April 2011.
In business for 46 years, Sigma Explorations Inc. is a Calgary based geophysical service company specializing in seismic data brokerage, data management and speculative survey acquisition. Sigma, through its subsidiary Canstrat, offers a library of lithologic logs from North American basins as well as digital data, custom logging and training courses. Apoterra offers seismic data processing technology and services.
Its other subsidiary Apollo Seismic Brokerage Ltd. also offers seismic brokerage services.